Tag Archives: baby food

Blogging is a little tough now..

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Hi everyone,
It’s been a while, too long in fact. I think blogging has gotten a little more challenging lately. Mason is crawling like a pro now and loves exploring our apartment and our backyard. We are needing to supervise him constantly as he tries to eat everything. Paper, leaves, sticks, rocks, plastic, nerf footballs… it all goes into his mouth and we get to try to sweep it out.

The good news is that he still loves food. We haven’t found a food, spice, or texture that he doesn’t like. His current food is lightly puréed zucchini, kale, and spinach with coriander, marjoram, and flax oil. It’s been a lot of fun making his food and watching him enjoy it.

Besides food, Mason’s favorite things include: Ruby, his blanket, watching the train outside our house, listening to music, dancing with his mom, playing with books, and tapping the wind chimes on our back patio. His dislikes right now are diaper changes, opening his mouth so we can get foreign items out, and having the door shut while he is trying to go outside. I can live with this list but can’t wait for the ‘put everything in the mouth’ stage to come to an end.

On top of keeping an eye on Mason at all times, my computer died recently so my options are to type blog posts on my phone or on Elaine’s computer which is only a couple inches bigger. (since this was originally posted she had me measure and her computer is equal to 4 of my phones). My hope is to get a new computer in a couple weeks- so not blogging won’t be an excuse anymore.

Here are a few photos from the past couple days. Enjoy and have a good day





What I Look At & Shrimp Lessons

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In a previous blog post we highlighted a few things that Mason loves to look at ie: ceiling fans and our dog Ruby. The new list still includes his favorites from before but you should know, just like Mason, the list it has grown.

We’ve learned that Mason loves looking with Elaine’s black hair tie, her daily journal, his reflection in the mirror, food, and trains. Trains, trains, trains!

For those that haven’t been to our house, there are train tracks on the other side of our street and the rails are constantly used for freight and Amtrak. Speaking for myself, they come so often that they are almost back ground noise. However whenever Mason hears one his head whips around and he watches it disappear through our window. What’s funny is that he does it with no expression- not scared, not happy, not surprised, and not sad- just one blank stare. Once the train has left, he quietly resumes his activity.

Food is also a big watching game. Over the past few weeks Mason has stepped up his eating and now has covered peas, carrots, butter nut squash, and green beans. We’ve had fun making his food and for the most part he’s enjoyed eating it. Sweet potato still tops the list but the new combo of red potatoes and carrots is a winner too. But this post isn’t about Mason’s diet, it is about him watching us eat. He now starts to get a little fussy if he isn’t eating when we are. Family meals are going strong in our house right now.

Mason has some great eyes and he is soaking up our world.


A couple weeks ago Mason started a once a week swimming lesson at the YMCA. His beginner class is entitled Shrimp/Kipper. For me shrimp is more fun because I had no idea what a kipper was until I googled it. I think we were both a little nervous about the class because Mason barely likes his 5 minute bath and we didn’t know how his skin would do in the chlorine. Our worries were met with baby smiles, laughs, and giggles. He loves it and it is fun to see him have fun in the water as we sing songs and float him as he kicks and paddles down the length of the pool. It’s crazy how instinctual the swimming motions are for babies and how I have a hard time trying to float… but that’s another story.

Unfortunately they don’t allow us to take photos (privacy) but we did get this one in the locker room.


Here is a slideshow of some more photos from the last week… enjoy and thanks for reading!

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Food battle

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Avocado has some serious competition… hello sweet potato!



Feeding Fun & Misc

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One of the great joys of a six month old is that every day new things are happening. It’s hard to keep up with the new developments but he is sitting up for long periods of time, regularly eating our homemade baby food, occasionally clapping with excitement (no noise but his hands touch), and maybe I’m projecting but it looks like he is starting to wave. From one day to the next Mason’s skills are refining themselves and it is exciting to watch.

I’ve includes some photos of recent eating.  On the left is peas and the right is zucchini. He is a great eater, even though the photos show food all over his mouth. In my opinion it would be a boring eating photo if it wasn’t a mess. Mason’s eating schedule is rice cereal in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon and evening. We haven’t found a food that he hates yet, but it is easy to say that avocado is his favorite. It’s funny because I don’t think I knew what an avocado was until I was 21. Oh California influences!

I’m making carrots next so he’ll get another taste and color soon!

Here are a few more photos from this last week…

The last photo is in honor of our friend Juliana, who recently began an adventure of moving to Washington DC. Her blog can be found by clicking here. I’ll miss your friendship, jogs around town, and your glowing personality. You are going to do great, travel safely and look forward to seeing you in August!